Tips for Maintaining Oral Health for Smokers

Tips for Maintaining Oral Health for Smokers

The dangers of smoking are known to everyone nowadays. The effects of smoking on oral health are frequently overlooked, despite the well-known relationship between smoking and lung problems and mouth cancer.

Nicotine and Addiction

Nicotine, the substance present in cigarettes, is highly addictive and many former smokers feel the aftereffects of quitting cigarettes even after years because it is often not easy to give up cigarettes once it becomes a habit.

Tips for Present and Former Smokers on Dental Care

Smokers and ex-smokers should take special care of their oral health. If they take good care of their teeth starting early, they can prevent further harm from happening. Whatever a person’s smoking status may be, here are a few things to remember the next time they brush their teeth:

  • Always floss and brush to prevent damage to teeth, discoloration, and other oral health issues.
  • Clean tongue, along with brushing and flossing twice a day.
  • Use a high-quality toothbrush preferably an electric toothbrush and use correct brushing technique.
  • Use toothpaste that has fluoride or hydroxyapetite, as these help restore demineralized enamel caused by smoking.
  • Use a flexible toothbrush that can reach all corners of mouth.
  • Use good-quality mouthwash to eliminate smokers breath. Use multipurpose mouthwashes, preferably with chlorhexidine, as it helps eliminate bad breath and dental stains.

However, really difficult stains called intrinsic stains may necessitate the intervention of a professional teeth whitening to improve the appearance of teeth.

Consult a Dentist

  • For smokers, regular oral examinations are essential for keeping their teeth and gums in perfect condition.
  • Routine oral examinations become even more important for smokers, as they are at a higher risk of developing oral cancer. It is recommended that smokers and former smokers get screened once every year to rule out the presence of any cancerous lesions.

Giving Up Smoking

Most smokers have a hard time giving up smoking but dentists can help in such a case with their support and advice.


Everyone, smokers included, should take care of their oral health. If you are a smoker, you should check for any swelling, ulcers, sores and inflammation in and around your mouth. If you are a smoker, it is always better to consult a dentist immediately if a lump or bleeding gum is noticed, as these can indicate a serious underlying health issue. If you are a smoker and looking for ways to give up smoking, visit our oral health care professionals at Smithville Dental.

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