Link Between Teeth Discoloration and Vitamin Deficiency

Link Between Teeth Discoloration

There happen to be various factors that contribute to proper dental health. It is not all brushing and flossing. Improper presence of vitamins in a diet can also greatly impact oral health. Calcium deficiency can lead to the discoloration of teeth. It can impact their strength as well.

A balance in diet has an important role in helping keep up the well-being of an individual. It can keep their gums healthy as well as allow their body to overcome possible infections effectively. Keeping in touch with dental experts, such as that at Smithville dental, can be of much help.

Vitamins and their deficiency-related impact

  • Vitamin C is important for the gums. The lack of it can lead to extensive swelling and expose the root of teeth, besides their discoloration. One can find vitamin C in citrus fruits.
  • Vitamin A helps in the production of saliva. It balances the pH of one’s mouth. Sweet potatoes, spinach and more in the balanced diet can be helpful. It can help one meet their requirement for vitamin A.
  • Calcium deficiency can cause teeth to become weak and even discolored. It is found in milk products or supplements.
  • Vitamin D deficiency can impact the color of the teeth.
  • Vitamin K has a role in the clotting of blood. However, with a deficiency one can suffer from bleeding gums, discoloration of teeth and multiple dental issues.
  • Iron efficiency can lead to anemia. It makes the tongue pale and leads to a range of other health-related issues.


Seeking expert services when it comes to such issues is important. Rely on Smithville Dental for quality dental care. This emergency dental clinic Smithville, focuses on comfort, well-being, as well as the health of their clients. Visit their official website to know more.

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