You could require a root canal if you have a toothache that is severe and sensitive to heat or cold. At Smithville Dental, we are committed to making the root canal procedure you receive in our dental clinic as easy and painless as is humanly feasible. Here is some helpful information that will help you completely comprehend your recommended treatment because going into the process without any knowledge about root canals and endodontics might cause unwarranted dread or anxiety.
How do Root Canals Work?
To understand what a root canal is and why you need it, you must first understand the anatomy of the tooth. The hard You must first comprehend the structure of the tooth in order to comprehend what a root canal is and why you might want one. Enamel is the tooth’s tough outer covering. The dentin layer, which is located beneath the enamel, is the layer above the pulp of the tooth, which houses the nerve and blood arteries. The tooth becomes particularly sensitive to heat and cold because it no longer has the protection of the other layers when it is cracked or damaged to the point where the pulp is disturbed or exposed. This may cause excruciating discomfort. A root canal will be done to fix this and make sure the patient is no longer in discomfort.
Root Canal Treatment
The area will be numbed before the dentist or endodontist starts the process. The dentist will extract the injured nerve and all of the decayed teeth after the patient has become completely numb. The nerve canal will subsequently be shut off and filled with synthetic material. A composite substance is used to rebuild the tooth’s structure, and the patient will later be advised to get a crown to safeguard the tooth and maintain the previous treatment. An x-ray of the tooth will be taken at the end of the appointment to record the work done. The patient will return for a post-op examination in roughly a week.
To find out more about your unique treatment plan and what to anticipate, talk to your dentist or endodontist. Call us at 512-237-4420 to find out more, talk to our staff about your treatment, or schedule an appointment with a specialized dentist in Smithville, Tx.