Questions to Ask Before Getting a Crown or Bridge

Questions to Ask Before Getting a Crown or Bridge

A crown is used to restore a tooth that has lost its structure due to reasons like trauma, decay or attrition. Dental crowns are used to restore a tooth’s structure and functionality in terms of size, color, and form. Along with all this, dental crowns can also strengthen the remaining tooth structure. After being firmly cemented into position, dental crowns can function for years to come.

When it comes to bridges, they are used to fill the space between teeth that remains after a tooth has been lost. Missing teeth can make eating food difficult and also affect the aesthetics of a person and dental bridges help overcome these two problems.

Along with restoring function and form, dental bridges also help prevent gum disease, loss of bone and TMJ problems seen in certain individuals with prolonged periods of missing teeth.

a few questions to ask before getting a bridge or crown.

Though dental bridges and crowns are used quite often, knowing when to use any of the two can help in making an informed decision.

Questions You Should Ask

Before getting a bridge or crown, be sure to ask yourself the following questions:

How Do You Benefit from Dental Crown or Bridge?

While a dental crown is indicated in a tooth, more so after root canal treatment or if it is decayed, crooked, uneven, or fractured. A dental bridge, however, can be used to fill large gaps between teeth. Before getting a dental bridge, it would be best to consult a dentist to see if the jaw bones are still strong enough to hold the weight of the bridge.

In most patients suffering from tooth loss or spacing between teeth, the reason might be bone loss. So in those cases, the dentist will get the jaw x-ray done to check whether a patient requires bone grafting prior to getting a dental bridge.

How Can You Find the Best Dentist to Place a Dental Bridge or Crown?

Patients must make sure that their dentist maintains global standards of care. To ascertain a dentist’s competence,  patients must check their medical qualifications and credentials to learn about their medical background.

How long do dental crowns and bridges last?

This depends on many factors. Dental crowns and bridges last pretty long if patients maintain good oral hygiene, as this promotes good oral health and also ensures that your dental crown or bridge lasts for a long time.

Patients also need to avoid hard-to-choose foods since they can scratch the crown or even dislocate the bridge. Also, patients must avoid sticky foods, as these make cleaning difficult.

When should a patient get a dental crown or a bridge?

Crowns and bridges are not interchangeable terms. A crown would be more desirable when replacing or repairing a decayed tooth. A bridge is used to fill the gap left by a missing tooth.


It is a good idea for patients to consult their dentist for advice on which procedure among dental crowns or dental bridges might be most perfect for them. Come see us at Smithville Dental if you need any help with this decision.

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